Articles for tag: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scottland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switserland, Turkey, Ukraine

Jip de Wijs

Switserland wins against Hungary

Switzerland got its Euro 2024 campaign off to a flying start with a commanding 3-1 win over a shaky Hungary on Saturday, with first international goals for Kwadwo Duah and Michel Aebischer and Breel Embolo netting on his return from injury.

The last preparations before the Euro

Yesterday one of the last matches of the international teams where played. They are getting ready for the Euro. This where the scores: France – Luxembourg 3-0 Denmark – Sweden 2-1 Italy – Turkey 0-0 Ireland – Hungary 2-1 Slovenia – Armenia 2-1 England – Bosnia 3-0 Germany – Ukraine 0-0 Kroatia- North Macedonia 3-0 ...